Sales Techniques That Really Work - Digsy AI Blog

Exclusive: Your Sales Team Will Exceed Their Goals with These 4 Simple Techniques

Sales techniques used by top sales professionals, no matter what industry, are not very different.

The most important part of being successful in sales is having a full understanding of the products or services you offer. It’s also critical to maintain this knowledge as your industry changes and grows.

You should also have a solid understanding of the industry you are selling in. Once you have mastered your business enough to be able to come up with unique and awesome solutions for your customers, you can incorporate these four techniques that top sales professionals use.

You will see an increase in your sales with every technique you add to your sales strategy.

Use Social Media to turn Cold Prospects into Warm Leads

207 million people in the United States use social media sites, so of course, it should be an integral part of your marketing and sales strategy. Besides just posting to social media so prospective buyers can find you, you should also be actively searching for those leads who are already searching for your products or services. In order to turn cold prospects you’ve found into warm leads, you can engage with them. Answer prospect’s questions and post useful information in your field to build trust and make sure they think of you when they decide they need your product or service.

Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up

Follow-ups are extremely important given the fact that over 80% of all sales are made between the 5th and 12th contact with a prospect. Because to follow-up with prospects is hard work, only 10% of all salespeople achieve to touch them over 5 or more contacts. Don’t give up!

Call Them First

A difference of a few minutes can make or break a deal with your new client. Chances are, they’re on the phone with some other brokers right now, while you’re thinking about calling them back. On the same note, a Lead Response Management study shows that calling your lead within 5 minutes vs. 30 minutes boosts your chances of contacting them by a hundred times. The odds of qualifying the lead within this time frame drops 21 times. From there, the likelihood of making a contact on that lead drops astronomically.

Be Straightforward

Presenting your product or service to your lead immediately will make a huge difference. Keep your focus on the problem you are solving for the client with your product or service and why they should buy from you.


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