Month: March 2018

Import Contacts Directly From Your Email into Your Smart CRM

Email marketing is the engine that makes your business run.  But you need to keep records of your contacts and their activities on a Commercial Real Estate CRM.

Should you have to manually transfer contacts’ info from your email into your CRM?

Nope – not with Digsy AI. We won’t allow this nonsense!

Digsy AI gives you the ability to quickly add the contacts directly from your email, whether it’s a prospect or client you’ve been emailing or contact in your address book.

Here’s how:

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Access Your Docs and Contracts in a Contact Record with Digsy AI

Have you ever been on the phone with a client and been blindsided by a very specific question about a property they’re interested in?

What do you do?

You can frantically scramble to uncover the info under the mountains of attachments and replies in your email.

You can weakly trickle out an excuse; a “Let me look that up”, or “I’ll get back to you”.

Or, you can glance down at the library of documents at your fingertips in your commercial real estate CRM.

With Digsy AI’s attachment feature, all of your prospect and client documents can now be stored within their profile page. 

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Easily View All of Your Contacts Within a Single Company

You have this huge commercial real estate CRM filled with contacts. And, a portion of those contacts probably work within the same company.

Well, wouldn’t it be nice to see a list of contacts that are within the same company? What about the number of contacts that have the same company?

Digsy AI allows you to associate contacts with a company. That way you can:

  • See a list of contacts within the same company
  • Easily create and search for the companies you’re working with

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Best Commercial Real Estate CRM Systems – 2018

Why does the quest for the best commercial real estate CRM for 2018 matter?  Well, think about everything you do to generate and close deals.  

You grind out cold calls, sprint across town for tours, skip lunch, stay up late, work weekends…. You work hard for your money – the least you could ask is that your CRM works hard too.  

Welp…. don’t hold your breath.  If you haven’t taken your fury out on a poor computer because of useless commercial real estate CRM software, you’re probably reading this on your first day on the job.  

But we have good news! 

Modern CRE tech companies have heard your cries and are raising the bar.  Find out if your CRM made it onto our list of the Best Commercial Real Estate CRM’s for 2018

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Cold Calling Scripts for Commercial Real Estate That Really Work

You need a set of ultimate cold calling scripts for commercial real estate, right? 

You’re looking for the perfect configuration of words that will instantly build rapport and establish trust.  A broker in possession of such a script would be unstoppable!!!

Alas, I’m sorry to tell you that cold calling scripts for commercial real estate are like pick-up lines…. When’s the last time you heard one actually work?  

But, don’t despair.  I know you’re not looking up cold calling scripts just ‘cuz you like reading them.  

No, you want to know what to say on the phone when you cold call a lead.  You might think it’s the same thing, but let me explain….

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