Have you ever been on the phone with a client and been blindsided by a very specific question about a property they’re interested in?

What do you do?

You can frantically scramble to uncover the info under the mountains of attachments and replies in your email.

You can weakly trickle out an excuse; a “Let me look that up”, or “I’ll get back to you”.

Or, you can glance down at the library of documents at your fingertips in your commercial real estate CRM.

With Digsy AI’s attachment feature, all of your prospect and client documents can now be stored within their profile page. 

The documents feature allows you to upload documents, view with a single click, download any file, and maintain your record of documents in as many steps as it takes to check your facebook and like that adorable dog video.


Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click on a contact to upload or view a document
  2. Scroll down until you see “Documents
  3. To upload a document, click “+ ADD DOCUMENT

Once it’s upload on the Contact Profile, you can view or download the document by clicking the links.  If you’d like to remove a document, simply click the “X” to the right of the document and the document will disappear.

You can now speak to client with full confidence that if you can’t answer a question, it’s because the answer doesn’t exist.  Not because you’re too unorganized to know.

Sign-up for a free trial of our Smart CRM for CRE at www.digsy.ai 

About Digsy AI

Digsy AI is a Smart Commercial Real Estate CRM that helps you make more money in less time.

With Digsy AI you interact with CRM contacts, email, phone & property data from one central place –

So you can prospect faster and close more deals in less time. No credit card required. Get your FREE trial at no-risk NOW!