Month: January 2018

Top Sales Techniques to Crush it in Commercial Real Estate – 2018

We’ve distilled the top sales techniques into a single list with the goal of making 2018 more successful for your  business.  With sales techniques covering efficiency, strategy, and commercial real estate CRM automation, this short list can guide you to prosperity in your business.  Whenever you find yourself working unnecessary overtime, or seeing a dip in your bottom line, skim through these top sales techniques to right the ship. 

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Crush Through Your Contacts with Digsy AI’s Mass Select Feature

The contacts in your Digsy AI account are yours.  You should be able to take any action that you want in the most efficient way possible.

Our philosophy here at Digsy AI is to take every measure to save you time and effort throughout your day.  

That’s why we’ve given you the ability to effortlessly select all your contacts in a stage and take action.  

With the Select All feature, you can:

  • Send a mass email
  • Tag all your contacts
  • Move all your contacts to another stage

… all with just a couple clicks. You even have the option to only select all the contacts within a page, which is the “Select All in View” option


Here are a few ways to use Digsy AI’s Select All Feature:

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Search for Contacts and Properties Faster Than Ever With Global Search

Digsy AI has a powerful Advanced Search function where you can easily segment and group your contacts to take action. For a quick search on the fly, Digsy AI created Global Search.

Our Global Search bar can now be found in the upper right hand corner of any page that you find yourself in Digsy AI.

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A Digsy by any other name…

Digby?  Digsbee???  Dixie ?!?!  ¿Di***y?

In this past year, we’ve met and introduced ourselves to thousands of people, who, despite the vast cornucopia of upbringings, life experiences, and worldviews, always uniformly react with a look of befuddlement at the name, Digsy.  So, we’re here to set the record straight.  If you ever find yourself lacking the enunciative ability to correctly conjure our name, please refer to this article.

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