A wise trainer once said that strength doesn’t come from lifting the most weight. It’s about lifting less weight with the proper technique. Thousands of brokers start out their careers trying to grow their business with effort alone. But, strategy and discipline will focus your effort toward an identifiable goal.
In this webinar, CEO and Co-founder of Digsy AI, Andrew Bermudez, shares proven tactics that can make your 2018 commission goals soar. This webinar also includes free prospecting material such as:
- Commissions Calculator to help you calculate how many calls to make to reach your 2018 commissions goal
- Best Times to Cold Call sheet which tells you when the best hours to cold call each day from Monday through Friday
- Proposal & Tour Times sheet which tells you the best hours to do proposals and tours throughout the week
- Prospecting Activity Tracker to help you keep track of how many calls and emails you’ve made